Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Blog it:
Is this going to be interesting to anyone besides me? Who knows? I just wanted to write some of the thoughts that fly in and out of my head during the day. Sometimes it will be boring. Sometimes it will be sad or downright pathetic. But really, I just want it to be funny and sarcastic!

Super Sub:
So today I'm teaching 5th grade. I was told these kids were crazy and "bad" so last night I didn't sleep well. The storm really helped. So far, I really like them! Honestly, they're easier than the class I had the last few days.

Thank goodness:
I think subbing is overrated and underrated. As a sub you get to choose where you work (most of the time). I personally enjoy going home and not taking work with me. My kids benefit from this -- most days. There are days when I feel like it's definitely NOT an appreciated career. When I think about it, who's job really IS appreciated? So, in honor of the national month of "Thanks" I'd like to say, thank you for the job you do. I know I'm thankful to at least have a job.

Things I'm thankful for:
Kids, Hubba
Friends (*who are also neighbors)
The Jeep (*yes, I'm thankful for it)
Fall air
Work (Jake's busy, I'm busy!)
School kids who care about their subs
School kids who don't care about their subs.... I guess.
The Kardashians. What I mean is, I'm thankful they're them and I'm me.

Love one another:
There's a kid in my class today who's so much like my little baby brother it's crazy! He does have a tendency to get into trouble. Poor kid. He was upset today when I decided to give him a turn with the "reading pillow" and he put his head on his desk angrily. After the kids were quiet, I walked over to him and asked if he'd like a turn another day. He said yes. I asked if he wanted to give the pillow to anyone in the class and who would he like to "gift" it to. He said a girl's name and she's a sweet, quiet girl in the class. I told him how nice he was to offer it to her and how generous it was of him to give her a turn. I asked if he wanted to press the "start" button on the timer for silent reading time. He said yes.

Pay it forward:
Yesterday there was a kid who couldn't check out a book from the school library because he had lost his book. He was working to pay it off. I asked him how he was going to pay the remaining $14. He said he and his brother were going door to door asking if they could rake leaves for money. No one wanted help. I made a deal with him. He promised to keep reading books and keep doing his best in school. I'll be keeping tabs on him this year to make sure he is holding up his end of our bargain. I paid the fee with money we got in the mail to take a survey. It felt really good. Part of me didn't want to tell anyone about it because I didn't want them to think I was braggin. I'm not braggin. :) I just want you to know how great it was to see his face when I told him he didn't have to worry. It was paid. I hear stories like this all the time and have never really been at a place where I could make my own story. I want to do that again!

Thank Jesus for all your many blessings. Lay your burdens down at the cross. He did it for you. He paid the ultimate price. Give him your fears, your concerns -- he will give you rest, he will give you peace.


  1. Simply beautiful! Love it. Believe me I will read it! You are an amazing sub and I can tell you touch a lot of childrens lives for what you do. So thanks to you for the job you do.

  2. Oh boy! I'm so excited for another blog to follow! I used to have a blog until I got too lazy. Oh and by the way, are you angry? You know sarcasm is rooted in anger - guess who says this? Does the word "recovery" ring a bell? Haha. If you are confused just ask me. Love you lots!

  3. haha! I debated using that word. Figured it was controversial. Thanks girls! Look forward to it!

  4. WOW...I even teared up :) Which I guess isn't hard for me to do! But you are an amazing person...someone I definitely look up to and someone who makes me aspire to be a better person every day :)

  5. Of course I love it. Crystal, you're a beautiful daughter & mommy. I'm proud of you...Mom

  6. Oh my word Jessica McT! You are so sweet! That means so much. Thanks mama, I'm using the tools I've been provided with. :)
